Create Comfortable Atmospheres with Dim-to-Warm Lighting
Dim-to-Warm lighting imitates the dimming of incandescent lights while allowing the fixture to benefit from the numerous advantages of LED technology. Dimming to warm was a feature that was feared to be lost with the emergence of LEDs. Adding solutions specifically designed to replicate this effect can enable high intensity light levels to be set to a cool color temperature and the color temperature to shift warmer as the intensity decreases. Our eyes and brains appreciate these warm whites, which simulate candlelight or lighting you would expect at dusk or dawn, creating naturally familiar environments.

Architectural and Hotels
Designers and architects add Dim-to-Warm capabilities into hospitality sector projects to create warm light environments for guests throughout the space when the intensity levels are lowered. For the guests, this integration translates into an inviting experience and familiar ambiances. Without the need of pre-programming, Dim-to-Warm LED solutions create sophisticated, high-end lighting settings for lobbies, waiting rooms, and restaurants, or can be used to highlight specific architectural elements with a warm glow.
Smooth, natural transitions of Dim-to-Warm lighting in residential spaces can turn light from proper work light designed to keep attentiveness, to warm and cozy ambiance light, creating intimate spaces when dimmed. With LEDs being the new standard in residential lighting, this control allows flexibility of looks based on space or activity in areas of the home with multiple purposes.

Using APT Intelligent Controllers to Implement Dim-to-Warm
Arkalumen has a number of cost effective and simple APT controller options that can implement Dim-to-Warm solutions in LED fixtures using a patented intelligent architecture. The APT-CC-VDW is a purpose-built Dim-to-Warm controller while the APT-CC and APT-CV2 controllers both have programmable options to enable Dim-to-Warm applications. All of these controllers are integrated between a constant current or constant voltage driver and a dual channel LED module. With simple wiring and no need for auxiliary power, the APT controller solutions for Dim-to-Warm make installation plug and play. When implemented, the APT controllers enable the fixture to replicate incandescent light by smoothly shifting the current output from the driver from a cool channel of the LED module to a warm channel, as the intensity of the light is reduced. This shift to warm can be programmed to follow linear, logarithmic, or custom curves.