Unleash Color with Dynamic Full Spectrum Lighting
Providing the ability to change the lighting across a full color spectrum allows for ultimate control and customization, allowing the user to set a mood or tone for any space. Lighting designers can create a full range of colored light by mixing color specific LEDs with white LEDs having a wide range of CCTs. The result can enable many amazing beautiful artistic, bold dramatic or soft ambience effects.

In spaces such as hotel lobbies or event spaces, full spectrum color control can add mood lighting or create a unique lighting experience for that particular space. Customized combinations of color can be used to highlight focal points of the architecture, or to give a luxurious feel to the space.
Color matching illumination can add brand specific details and true-to-life color to items in a retail setting. Lighting with a very high-CRI can be achieved with the right mix of spectrums and can allow items to look as accurate as possible to shoppers. When it comes to food or retail shopping, light source quality can directly impact sales.

Full spectrum control can be used on film sets, or in television studios to create visually appealing scenes for viewers. Lights can be tuned or color combinations can be adjusted to change scenes or moods for impact. If implemented correctly, the lighting control can be done flicker-free to ensure no interference with the video capture.
Using APT Controllers to Implement Dynamic Full Spectrum Lighting
Arkalumen offers APT controllers that excel in multichannel – Full Color Spectrum fixtures. With a variety of hardware versions for different wired and wireless lighting protocols, the APT-CV5 and APT-HX5 provide design flexibility. Both of these APT controllers transfer power from a single constant voltage driver to up to five constant current outputs for powering LED channels of varying forward voltages. The APT-HX5 differentiates itself by expanding on the capabilities of the APT-CV5, bringing the same precision in color tuning to both high power (up to 1200W), and damp environments (IP65 rating).
Out of the box, APT controllers provide a straightforward solution and control. Paired with a multi-channel LED module with a variety of LEDs of different spectra, the APT-CV5 and APT-HX5 offer options for controlling the CCT, intensity, or individual channels independently. After testing, implementing a predefine scene is simple; the APT controller can store and follow a calibrated color curve created by the lighting designer.